Tag Archives: Exercise

Weekly Weigh-In, Week 8

8 Oct

Good Afternoon, folks! I hope everyone is having as pleasant a Monday as possible.

This is going to be a quick one. I had a total of 2 workouts last week. Between working, taking care of the puppy, and spending time with my dad, I just didn’t make the time. I could have done more, but I didn’t. On the other hand, the two workouts that I did do were fabulous!

Here’s the breakdown:

Weight: 190, no change

Tuesday: Run, 2 miles

Tuesday I went for an evening run. It was a bit of a rainy night, but I figure I should get used to running in the rain. My race is the end of this month, and if the weather keeps going like it is, I need to be prepared to run in all sorts of conditions. Anyway…This was a 2 mile run, and took about 32 minutes to complete. Not bad.

Sunday: Bi-Monthly Training Session

Sunday morning at 8AM I had my bi-monthly training session with James in New York. I walked in expecting to do resistance training exercises like usual. Boy was I in for a surprise!

The first thing James had me do was a timed 1-mile run. We had done this last year, and a much less in shape me limped to the end at just under 14 minutes. This time, however, things were different. I finished in just under 12 minutes, and that alone made me very happy. In addition to that mini-victory, I felt at the end that I could run more. I stopped because it was time to move onto the next exercise, not because I needed to. That was a HUGE accomplishment for me.

After the run, we proceeded with the usual resistance training, but with a twist. In between each set, I had to sprint one lap around the track (a total of 5 sprints, plus regular exercises). Each time I finished in under a minute, which is another thing I could not have done a year ago. I felt really accomplished after my session and drove home with my head held high.

And that’s all she wrote, folks! I have a few more posts that I’ve had in the works for awhile now, and I’m determined to get at least a couple of them posted this week. Be on the lookout for those!  I hope everyone has a great day. Happy Monday!

Weekly Weigh-In, Week 6

24 Sep

Good Morning Everyone! I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and is having a good start to the week 🙂

This past week was absolutely awesome in the exercise department. I don’t usually like to toot my own horn, but I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved recently 🙂

Here’s the breakdown:

Weight: 189.8 Up .2 lbs from last week, probably due to the heavy eating I did over the weekend, but I’m not worried about it. I’m feeling stronger every day, and people who haven’t seen me in awhile are commenting that I’ve lost weight, so I have to believe that it’s at least partially muscle.

Monday: Run

Monday evening I set out for a run. Initially I planned to attempt to repeat my run from the night before-6 minutes of running, and 1.5 minutes of walking, repeated twice. When I got to the end of the first 6-minute interval, though, I felt like I could run farther, so I kept going. I ran 18 minutes straight without stopping to walk. I then took a 1-minute break, and proceeded to run up the big hill. In total, I ran about 2 miles. I felt amazing having run so long without stopping, and I went to sleep that night very happy.

Tuesday: No Workout

Tuesday my body was achy, so I decided to give it a break for a night.

Wednesday: Run

Wednesday’s run was similar to Monday’s, except that I didn’t take a break before the hill. I just kept going. I went halfway up the hill, then took a 30-second break before charging the steepest part of the hill. I ran 21.5 minutes without stopping, again with a 2-mile total.

Thursday: Ab Workout

Thursday night I didn’t feel up to running, but I wanted to exercise in some way, so I decided to do a little core work. I did two types of crunches, bicycles, situps, and planks, for one minute apiece. 5 sets made for a nice 25 minute workout.

Friday: No Workout

Friday night my body needed a break, so I took it easy for the evening.

Saturday: Bi-Weekly Training Session

Saturday morning Bill and I set off for New York for my bi-weekly training session at Rezultz Training in Menands, and a much-needed weekend away. I had an amazingly intense workout, while Bill got to watch me sweat (hehe). I introduced Bill to a lot of my friends in Troy afterwards, and had a great time away 🙂

Sunday: Run

Last night I went out for a run, hoping to match Wednesday’s 21.5 straight minutes. I reached that goal, and felt like I could keep going, so I decided to go a bit longer. I ran 33.5 minutes straight, with a total of 2.5 miles. It felt so incredible to have achieved that, and it gave me confidence that I will be fully ready come race day next month 🙂

Overall, an awesome week. I’m very pleased with myself, and I can’t wait to see what I can achieve in the days ahead 🙂


Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you all have a great week 🙂

Weekly Weigh-In, Week 2

27 Aug

Hey guys! I’m very excited to be writing this post, as my first week was more successful than expected.

My starting weight was 189 lbs.

As of this morning, my weight is 187.4 lbs, which means that I lost 1.6 lbs this week. Not too shabby for a week that was light on exercise. I attribute it to good eating choices, as well as the couple of good workouts I did manage to get in.

Here’s the exercise breakdown for the past week:


I started off the week with a one mile walk. It was the last morning of puppy-sitting the lovely Sasha, so I took her for a walk and did so at a brisk pace so I could get a bit of a sweat in.

Later that evening, I did a 20-ish minute ab workout as well.


Tuesday Morning I did a 1.5 mile jog around my neighborhood. This was a great start to my day. The energy I obtained from the run kept me going for a good portion of the day, and I was proud of myself for getting up so early, too.

Wednesday & Thursday

No workout.

No excuses here, just explanations. I stayed up late both Tuesday and Wednesday night. I had a can of soda too close to bedtime one night, and was up late on the laptop the second. Since I was up so late early, I didn’t feel like getting up at 6 AM, nor did I feel like it after work. Entirely my own fault, and I intend to rectify that with as many workouts as possible this week!

Thursday afternoon, as you know, I posted about my struggles throughout the week, and asked for some advice on how to improve my running time and distance. Two lovely ladies responded with very helpful advice, which I put into action the very next morning. Which brings us to…


Friday morning I got my butt out of bed and went for another 1.5 mile jog. I kept my pace up well and felt really strong when I was done. It was a great feeling to get in a good solid workout, and it kept me alert throughout the day.


Saturday morning I had a session with my awesome trainer James at Rezultz Training in Menands, NY. I’ve been working with him since my senior year in college, and when I moved, I decided that I would continue to work with him. I drive up to NY once every two weeks for a training session. We did a lot of upper-body work, as well as some abs. I felt very strong after I was done, and I can’t wait for my next session!


Sunday morning I was sore from my session the day before, so I decided to take a day off so my body could rest.

So overall, not a horrible week, but not as good as it could be. My goal this week is 5 workouts. I installed an app on my phone called “0 to 5K”, which I’ll be starting tomorrow. It takes you through an eight-week program that trains you for a 5K race. You just plug your headphones into your phone and run or walk as it tells you to. As motivation, I’m going to be looking for races coming up in about eight weeks and registering for one. Super excited!

I hope everyone is having a pleasant and productive day so far.

Happy Monday!

Chelsea ❤

Weekly Weigh-In, Week 1!

20 Aug

Hi All! I hope everyone had a pleasant Monday, and is having an equally pleasant evening 🙂 I personally had an awesome day, starting off my weight-loss journey!

So, first things first…I got on the scale this morning to establish a starting weight.

I weighed in at 189 lbs.

This isn’t great, but hey, you gotta start somewhere! At least now I have a number to work from 🙂

I started off the day with a one-mile walk. Today was the last day of puppy-sitting for my parents, so I took the puppy with me. I was a little bit disappointed, since I wanted to get in a jog in addition to the walk, but I overslept and wasn’t able to. Sasha likes to walk at a brisk pace, though, so it wasn’t too bad!
Throughout the day, I made sure to make healthy eating choices. I had coffee and a low-fat granola bar for breakfast, followed by a second cup of coffee at work. For lunch I had a turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato and just a teaspoonful of mayo for flavor 🙂 I had a 50-Calorie fruit strip mid-afternoon, and allowed myself one indulgence, which was a Lindt White Chocolate Truffle. (As delicious as it was, at 77 Calories apiece I think I’m going to have to let those go for awhile!) Finally, for dinner I made stuffed bell peppers. I decided not to use rice to avoid the extra carbs. I also got home later than usual, so I wanted to avoid consuming extra calories past 7 PM. Be on the lookout for my stuffed pepper recipe this week!

This evening after dinner, I did some abdominal work. This was partly for the sake of working my abs, and partly so I’d feel better about this morning’s exercise. I got a good sweat going, and felt a lot better about my exercise for the day after I was done!

I have my alarm set for 6 AM tomorrow, which is a half hour earlier than usual. This way I can make sure I have time to get a solid jog in, as well as have time to eat breakfast and get ready for work. I have full confidence in myself that tomorrow will be a better day exercise-wise, and another great day food-wise!

Have a great night everyone!

❤ Chelsea